
Sunday, August 5, 2012


Mossel Bay at sunset

We hope all of you have had a great week.  It has been one that Elder Richins and I will remember, especially if we write it down and have a few pictures. Our memory isn't as good as it used to be and we don't want to forget this experience.  We hope you are enjoying this experience with us.  We recommend it highly and believe it is the best retirement program there is.  Serving others in some way.

Today during the sacrament song the word Magnify hit me hard.

Behold the Great Redeemer Die
Although in agony he hung
No murmuring words escaped his tongue.
His high commission to fulfill
He MAGNIFIED his father's will

Father from me remove this cup.
Yet, if thou wilt I'll drink it up
I've done the work thous gavest me.
Receive my Spirit unto thee

He lives - he lives we humbly now
Around these sacred symbols bow
And seek, as saints in Latter-days
To do his will and live his praise.

It is amazing how one word gets your mind going.  I looked around at all the faithful saints who magnify there callings each and every week.  Then I looked at myself and hope that I am doing the same.  

Elder Richins and I have been blessed beyond measure to have this opportunity to serve others, but I have to admit that in serving others we are the ones that are blessed. Just the simple act of helping someone write their first letter, or doing a Family Home Evening, where we get to share things that make us happy or fill our bucket when we are down, and to see that list we made being used when a sister is having a hard time and it helped to lift her spirits.

We have done this in many homes and here are a few of the ideas that the family members have come up with to fill their buckets when they are down:
letters or emails from home - guess who's suggestion that was
the mountains and the ocean
gospel music

This is the mission we were sent out to do, to help others. But we can't help noticing that no matter what we do we are also being lifted and helped along the way.  This wonderful circle of love and service is what will help this world get back on the right track, and to see the people who are doing it is what we get to enjoy every day. All of you who are our friends are the same kind of people, thanks to each of you for Magnifying your callings whatever they maybe.  Be it mom or dad, business owner or employee, friend or neighbor. The list is endless.  Thank you, thank you, thank you

This week in a nut shell.

P-day going the back way to show the Elders the Map of Africa

We have seen people coming out of the woods for days, betting wood to keep themselves and their families warm at night.

Elder Sheward ust before he lives to East London, he will be missed.  He was always the one to say Sister Richins what can I do to help.

Victoria Bay

Look at those smiles especially from Elder Speed, in yellow.

Tuesday, I came across this turkey in full show.

Wednesday, we spent doing FHE's and teaching Noxolo Mawindi to read and write.  She is doing such a wonderful job.  She wrote her first letter, she is amazing.
Elder Sheward has been on 3 interesting exchanges.  1) He had to be sent in a buggy out to the plane that was taxiing on the runway and their luggage came a day later 2) Elder Bangerter was to go by bus to his transfer they went to the bus stop and they had no record for him, they then took him to the airport and they didn't have him flying either, then back to the bus, no luck again.  Then the mission office just had him fly to Cape Town and sent him by air from there.  (come to find out because of #3 transfer, there are 3 areas in George that you can catch a bus), live and learn.  3) We had the same problem with the bus, so Elder Speed and Elder Sheward stayed an extra day and they got a physical ticket and got on the bus with no problem, though it was 3 hours late in arriving to pick them up.

Elder Speed and Elder Sheward are taking a 10 hour bus trip to East London. Their hearts about sank when they thought they were going to take this bus.  Luckily this bus was going to another destination.

Friday, we had district meeting with our new district.  New faces and new goals.

Elder Spencer from Canada, Sister R, Elder R, Elder Dladla, from SA, Elder Morris from Las Vegas
Elder Pearson from Eden, Utah

Marshal's last institute class in George, he is returning to Zimbabwe to send  in his mission papers.

Saturday: We went to Mossel Bay and had 2 wonderful meetings with members there, Meyer's and Nthabiseng.

Sunday: I mentioned at the beginning of the letter but these pictures are after dinner with Marshal, doesn't he look just like a missionary in his new suit?

Marshal Bomba

Everyone is full and happy

Elder Richins and Marshal have a very special bond.

Kind of a travel log this week.  Hope you enjoyed the pictures.  Don't forget to Magnify.
Love, Elder and Sister Richins

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