Welcome to the July 29,2012 addition of the lynn and miriam missionary news. This blog is a tribute to my mom, Olive Beth Kimball Mack who turns 90 on the 31st. She is having a 3 day celebration in Salt Lake this weekend with family and friends. Of her 157 posterity 150 are in attendance at her celebration. The ones who are not in attendance are on missions (4) military, school,work or triathlon. I think that is a great tribute that so many of her direct descendants would come from all over the country to be with mom, grandma and great grandma. Mom happy birthday from South Africa, it was so good to talk to you on Thursday. I know that flowers are your favorite so I wanted to share some pictures of flowers we have seen. Some of them are very easy to recognize others are new. We hope everyone enjoys! I do have the news of the week which will follow the flower show.
These 2 pictures are taken along the freeway. Purple and white everywhere you look. |
Elder Richins had me take this one that he enjoys every morning on his walk. |
A beautiful hedge |
This was an amazing tree. The fruit at the top and the roots at the bottom |
On our Sunday walk yesterday.
Bird of Paradise |
Bottle brush |
Trumpet flower |
MOM, enjoy the flowers - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW
The best surfing we have seen |
Peaceful Victoria Bay houses to rent on the right and grassy area on the left to picnic and enjoy the sun and to watch the surfers. |
Most of my best cultural pictures come from Thembuletu
This guy was driving right down the middle of the main road. It looks like it is something you would see 100 years ago. |
These are just huge rock rodents we saw in Mossel Bay on the cliffs. They were everywhere. |
Elder Sheward does not like spiders. This one was big and he was glad he was in the car. I let Elder Richins take this picture. I stayed inside. |
Can you see the MAP of AFRICA? To the right is fresh water and to the left is salt water coming from the Indian ocean |
On Wednesday Elder Richins finally decided after hurting for a couple of weeks to go and find a chiropractor. He got a recommendation from someone in the branch and the lady was very good. He can almost stand straight when he gets up from a chair. While he was there the receptionist asked if he had every been to the Map of Africa. No was the answer and because it was a clear day we took the 30 minute trip. It is amazing to look down and see African right there in front of you. If you turn to the other side you can see the Indian ocean. It was well worth the time.
In the summer they say there are many hang gliders here |
Saturday we had a braai in Mossel Bay with some of the members of the church. It is about a 45 minute drive to George and many of them do not have cars. It was a great day. I know I say how cold it is but I do need to let you know that the temperatures fluxuates quite a bit. This morning it was 6 degrees celcius 45 F but on Saturday when we had our braai it was warm enough to take off your coat and the kids even enjoyed getting in the water a bit.
Elder Sheward was the chef |
Playing catch with the Rugby ball |
Some of the Mossel Bay members getting to know each other. It was a fabulous day. After the braai we went to the Mawindi's for reading lesson. Elder Richins on Wednesday had been reading the Book of Mormon with Brother Mawindi, he was struggling so to read. Elder Richins went to the drug store and got him some reading glasses. He said that it made such a big difference. Now he can see what he his reading.
We went to the photo shop and got copies of the pictures we have taken of the families we do FHE's with. We took the pictures to church so they could have them. You would have thought we gave them something really big. Pictures are important to these people and they love them. To end our week we had some people over after church. Elder and Sister Van Sickle had come from Port Elizabeth to do employment training presentation during the 3rd hour. Mrs. Wani from the government came to see if it was something they could also use.
Brother and Sister Nel, Mrs. Wani, Elder and Sister Van Sickle, and of course Elder Richins
Have a great week. We love you all.
Elder & Sister Richins
Beautiful flowers! Happy birthday to your mother, Sister Richins!