
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Welcome to Namibia

October 21-28, 2012

We arrived in Namibia at dusk.  The sky was beautiful.  It reminds me  of Arizona.  The weather is very  warm right now , in the 90's each day but cools down at night.  The mornings are wondferful.  they are just starting their rainy season which lasts until about April.  I went out to water the plants on Saturday and it started raining.  Not enough to even get me wet, so I just kept watering.

This picture was taken on our way to Windhoek.  The Smith's who picked us up said that they would often see giraffe and baboons along the side of the road, but not tonight.  We did see baboons the next day as we were traveling down the freeway, but I didn;t have my camera ready.

Our first impressions have been that we are back in California except most of the people are from somewhere in Africa.  Kenya, Angola, Zimbabwe ect.  There is the language of Afrikaans  but most everyone speaks English.  We are constantly asking people what their last name is.  They can tell you but they usually just go by first names.  Looking at the branch membership list is difficult because you are looking for 1st names because no one will give you their last name,  which is easier to find because those are  alphabetized. The little ones are precious as you can see in this picture.  These kids are about 18 months to 3 years old. 

This was a short one because of internet challenges.  Please see November 3rd posting.
Sister Richins

I will finish tomorrow this connection is too slow to night.  Sister Richins
October 21-28, 2012.

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