Hello everyone, It is good to be back. I hope you received our email last week.
Yes the headline is correct. We are leaving South Africa. We are being transferred to Namibia.
At the moment we know that everyone says you will LOVE IT! I also know I will be in the heat
come Wednesday. Elder Richins and I are excited for this new adventure and looking forward to
the challenges and opportunities we will have. It is bitter/sweet. We love the people here in George.
When you work closely with people for 7 months they become like family. Here are a few pictures
of the people and things we will leave behind.
Elder! ELDER!
When they see the white car the kids start running. We can be two blocks away |
Elder Richins has started bringing a garbage bag so the kids can pick up garbage before they receive their sucker. We especially have a soft spot for the little ones.
We literally ran into these beautiful birds as we rounded a corner in the industrial area. They were pecking away in the street and the roadside. |
I know that red bottle brush is common in California, but I had never seen pink before. |
This was a very overcast day but the kids were having great fun in the waves. I will miss the ocean in Namibia, we are going to be inland. |
We will miss these friends. These are the women I have the opportunity to learn to read English. We had them over for a Family Home Evening and game night. |
We will miss the uniqueness of Thembuletu
If you look closely you will see they are sitting on chairs in the back of this truck |
The yummy meats sold on the street and very glad I only had to eat it once. |
No it isn't Elder Richins and I. Though it does look fun. Just another sign that it is spring |
New life, new beginnings, proud parents. |
O the joy of having to set up a new banking account and learning a new money system. Thank goodness the exchange rate is the same.
This young boy was chasing this pig around the corner as we drove by. |
/Do we have any architects or city planners in the blogasphere? If you missed the road by a foot you would be in the side of this house. We pass this house at least once a week and have often asked our selves the question. Is this really a good idea?
We will miss this part of God's beautiful creations. The people, the colors, the animals, and the Indian Ocean.
What new adventures await us as we travel to Namibia? Only time will tell and my camera.. Have a great week.
Until next time.
Love, Elder and Sister Richins
Wow! Good luck in your new assignment!