To all our friends and family,
I took this picture a couple of weeks ago in Knysna. This made me excited for Spring.
Notice the year 1855 |
I missed our weekly blog last week because we had no internet service. We have been using a ton of gigabytes. Elder Richins dicovered that we were on automatic updates. Not a cool way to loose money. Hopefully we have solved that problem, though we never know when we run out, it just happens.
To recap the last two weeks, via pictures. Oh, how grateful I am for pictures otherwise I could not remember what we did yesterday, because the days go by so quickly.
Elder Dladla is still recuperating from appendicitis. |
The Elders were so nice to spend part of their Preparation day with Elder Dladla. We are playing Phase 10 and enjoying a little popcorn. Elder Dladla and I spent a lot of time together since he was staying with us for 2 weeks. He was an excellent patient and through the pain and discomfort he was always smiling. He and I enjoyed sharing what he had studied each morning. I don't think he missed a day of study. HE LOVES TO LEARN! Elder Richins was often out with Elder Morris so he could still work. Elder Morris also stayed with the George Elders and went to their teaching appointments. So even though 1 elder was down the others kept busy.
What a fun bunch of Elders, always ready to give you a smile when the shutter clicks. |
Elder Richins and Elder Pearson going to Mossel Bay.
It has been a while since we have seen baboons, On this day we saw a whole family.
September 29, 30, 31 the 6 elders from George and Knysna caravaned down to Port Elizabeth for Zone conference. The 29th was spent in travel and that evening senior couples in the zone were invited to dinner with President and Sister Woods and Elder Cook and Sister Cook. He is serving in the African continent area presidency and he is a member to the 1st quorum of 70. He was amazing and everyone learned so much. He is from Ogden, Utah and will be serving in Africa for the next 5 years. Elder Cook talked about how each person needs to KNOW, FEEL, and then DO something about what they KNOW AND FEEL. That is real commitment.
Dinner with the Woods, Cooks and Senior Couples
Sister Wood, Elder Richins, Sister Cook, Sister Taylor, Elder Taylor President Wood, Elder Stokoe, Sister Stokoe, Elder Cook, Sister Van Sickle, Elder Van Sickle |
On the pier on Port Elizabeth. I want you all to notice Elder Richins hair. It is perfect and it is blowing really hard has you can see by my hair.
After the Zone conference our George district was able to get a picture with Elder Cook and his wife.
It is nice not being the only women. When it is just our George district it is always me and 5 elders. |
This picture is priceless. Everytime we go to the Mawindi's, Tons of kids come running yelling, ELDER! ELDER!
Elder Richins keeps the trunk of the car full of lollipops or as everyone in SA says "sweets". Each time we go as you can see the kids come running from many streets away. The last time the older kids abused Elder Richins generosity and kept getting back in line, so he will not share any for a few times. He wants them to at least learn honesty.
Monday night Family Home Evening. We hope all of you are having this special program each week. We played the animal game and everyone was showing off their animal. Can you figure out who is who? Owl, lion, pig, elephant, chimpanzee, donkey, snake.
Elder Spencer knocking on the door of an investigator. Elder Spencer isn't very tall but you wouldn't know that by looking at this picture. |
Going Visiting Teaching with Sisters in the George branch trying to help them learn how to do it. It was a successful day. |
The flowers are gorgeous this time of year.
I was listening to a song today and one of the lines says how the child learned to love flowers because her mom had had a love for the flowers and she passed it on the her child. I know my mom loves flowers and when we would go on trips she would always point out the flowers and say their names. I didn't appreciate it until now. Since I have been on our mission. I want to remember this land of South Africa, that is why I have been taking so many pictures. Along the way I have come to really look and notice the beauty around me.
This was made out of cement as part of a wall in the front of someones home. |
I know I am rambling with my pictures but that is what it is. We are working hard but are working at being even more productive. I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the updates. Life is good, work hard, enjoy every day. Look for the good.
Thanks so much for your emails we appreciate so much learning about what is going on in your lives. You are still important to us even though we are 1/2 way around the world.
Love, Elder and Sister Richins